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Yellow Spot Disease

Yellow spot disease or age-related macular degeneration; is the loss of central vision as a result of the progressive loss of receptor cells in the macula region (yellow spot) in the retina layer of the eye, which is responsible for the clearest vision. In people who develop macular degeneration, vision loss begins in the center of the visual field and the lost visual field develops towards the edges as the cells disappear over time. In other words, patients have a ring-shaped vision at the edges while seeing a dark spot in the center. Although patients do not lose their vision completely; severely affected in terms of quality of life.

Vision loss resulting from bleeding is the most prominent feature.

  • Blurred vision, blurred vision
  • The middle of the images is blurred, but the edges appear normal.
  • Wavy appearance of straight lines such as electricity poles, door-window edges, lines of writing.
  • The appearance of a dark or empty area in the middle of the visual field.